
太陽が恋しい! / I miss the sun

昨日に続いて、今日も雨が降っている。太陽が恋しい!It is raining. It was rain yesterday, too. I miss the sun.花材 / Materials ヒマワリ / Sunflower スモークツリー / Smoke Tree ギボウシ / Hosta シマフトイ / Zebra Bulrush

水辺の紫陽花 / Hydrangea at the Water's Edge

Hydrangeas look good with water.Then I arranged them in a large flat vase. And I floated a little flower on the water.花材 / Materials 紫陽花 / Hydrangea ガマ / Typha 乙女ユリ / Lilium Rubellum 花器 / Container:水盤/ Shallow bowl (suiban)

雨に打たれる紫陽花 / Hydrangea in the Rain

June is rainy season in Japan.I don't like rain. But hydrangea is very beautiful in the rain.花材 / Materials アジサイ / Hydrangea ガマ / Typha ヒメヒマワリ / False Sunflower 花器 / Container:水盤 / Shallow bowl (suiban)

おかえりなさい、はやぶさ / Welcome Home, HAYABUSA

Hayabusa is an unmanned space mission led by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to return a sample of material from a small near-Earth asteroid named Itokawa to Earth for futher analysis. Today, Hayabusa returned after an interval of s…

移ろう息吹 / Floating Yellow

花材 / Materials スモークツリー / Smoke Tree バラ / Rose オンシジュウム / Oncidium クロトン / Codiaeum 花器 / Container:陶製の花器 / Ceramic vase

白菊 / White Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum was a popular flower in Paris of the 19th century. Renoir draws the picture of the chrysanthemum, too.花材/Materials 菊/Chrysanthemum ナデシコ/Dianthus 花器/Container:竹カゴ/Bamboo basket

おしゃべりなカラー / Talkative Callaes

寄り添って、おしゃべりしているカラーたち。何を話しているのかな?Callase snuggle up and talk.What will they talk about? 花材/Materials カラー/Calla クロトン/Codiaeum カーネーション/Carnation けいおう桜/Keio Cherry 花器/Container:/Ceramic co…

プーさんのお花見 / Winnie-the-Pooh Goes To See The Cherry Blossoms

フォックスフェイスが、プーさんのようだったので・・・Nipplefruit is called Fox Face in Japan. But Nipplefruit looks like Winnie-the-Pooh,doesn't it? 花材 / Materials: フォックスフェイス/Nipplefruit ボケ/ Japanese Quince 花器/Container:鉄製…

余白の美 / The Beauty Of Unfilled Space

生け花は、水墨画などと同様に、余白をうまく使うことが重要。Arrangement of line is all about to play with the beauty of flower material. With beautiful lines of zebra bulrush, I create unfilled space, which enhances the beauty of this ikeban…